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    Guy Hands of Terra Firma Capital Partners is ready for new deals

    Terra Firma Capital Partners eyeing deals

    Private equity firm, Firma Capital Partners Limited, specializes in investing in real estate, middle markets, mergers as well as acquisitions, turnarounds, mature, and buyouts of huge, asset gorgeous, complex businesses which happen to be in essential of operational also strategic changes moreover, businesses that require a fundamental change. It mainly seeks to invest in those firms that have been under-managed or under-capitalized, or companies that are on the verge of liquidation.
    The founder of the private equity group, the Terra Firma Capital Partners, also Guy Hands, is watching “substantial” deals along with assumes European governments to accelerate the selling off the state assets. This is a great time for purchasing as the financial recovery is gaining the momentum.
    Guy Hands, is the chief investment officer and chairman of the group. He stated that he was observing contracts which have a huge quantity of assets, nonetheless are looking cheaper than they normally would, relatively due to pre-credit crunch valuations.
    The Guy hands quoted by saying, “I think it really depends what area of the market you’re in. The area we’re in the market, which is really deals which are very substantial, which have a huge quantity of the assets within them, are still significantly below valuations from the 2007 and also still have relatively a extended way to go.”
    Guy Hands, who has been involved in more than thirty transactions within the last twenty years with the Terra Firma Capital Partners. This includes the unsuccessful four billion euro take over of record group EMI within 2007, stated he expects privatizations within Europe, however perhaps not quite onto the scale which was seen into earlier 20 to 30 years.

    Guy Hands
    Guy Hands said “We’re not really in a situation in the 80s and 90s where governments were selling things that could be seen as crown jewels or very separate whereas now we’re doing much more complicated privatizations.”
    He added, “But I think some of them could be very interesting and very attractive.”
    Hands is very exited about the opportunities in Europe, he even went as far as describing it, the “place to invest in at this time”.
    Core Europe, along with the United Kingdom are Hands’ preferred areas as he believes the region’s approach in tackling the recession is more sustainable long term than the United States.
    European problems are much more “observable”, he said, adding that even though “the United States problems are in the future, they are major problems.”
    He also said that “Europe is an upside iceberg with most of its problems on the surface and the United States is an iceberg.”
    The financier also predicted interest rates in both Europe and the United States will stay low for the next two to three years.

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